• gbc module    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 仟喬事務機器有限公司

      認識我們:GBC碎紙機.膠環/單線圈/雙線圈裝訂機 包頭製本機.壓條機.膠裝機.電動定書機.圓角機.耗材供應:膠環.雙線圈.透明封套.護具膠模.投影片.壓條.原

      電話:0424625555-1    地址:台中市西屯區福雅路321巷28號之6
    2. 丞鋒模具有限公司


      電話:04-24863163    地址:台中市大里區日新路415號
    3. 昇泰國際企業有限公司

      ...ore than 16 years of experience creating custom dot matrix and graphic LCD modules. They developed more than 100 models that we currently offer, ranging in resolutions from 8 x 2 to 320 x 240 pixels - and they also design between 20 and 30 new screens every year.Optional touch-screen control functio...

      電話:02-22784166    地址:新北市三重區重新路五段646號
    4. 東盈光電科技股份有限公司

      ..., multi-mode), 1x4, 2x2, 2x4 .2.EDFA(摻鉺光纖放大器)13~21dBm : Gain Module, Integrated Module, Rack Mount .3.ASE光源.4.光纖網路保護模組. 本公司致力解決通訊網路擁擠問題,改良產品為速度快、體積小耗損低之基楚元件;將交換矩陣器導入光纖通...

      電話:03-5785574    地址:新竹縣寶山鄉新竹科學園區工業東九路31號
    5. 晶英國際股份有限公司

      ...fficult to find such a company like APO, which can supply quality original modules from projector manufacturers, as well as original bulb inside module with APO housing for over thousands of projectors from over 80 brands.

      電話:02-77455522    地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路206號12樓

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